
Autor: || Zveřejněno: 9.6.13


MANGA: Love♥Monster
Stav: Dokončeno (12 svazků, 82 kapitol)
Autoři: Miyagi Riko
Žánry: fantasy, romantika, nadpřirozeno, školní prostředí, harém, monstra, superschopnosti, komedie, ECCHI, akce
Datum vydání: 2002 - 2005

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-> Love Monster - Příběh

Po tom, ako sa nedostala na školu, ktorú si vybrala, dostane Hyio Osoro list s prijatím na Akadémiu SM. Keď tam dorazila, zistila, že niečo nie je v poriadku. Všetci študenti sú iní, démoni, monštrá, beštie atd. A chlapec, ktorý je hlavou študentskej rady, jej povie, že je jej snúbencom a následne sa mu objavia obrovské čierne krídla! Vďaka čomu sa Hyio ocitla na tejto akadémii? Čo ju tam čaká? Aký je jej osud? A s kým?

After failing the entrance exams to her school of choice, Hiyo Osora gets an acceptance letter from SM Academy. But she didn't even apply or take its exam! When she arrives, there's something amiss-all the students are... monsters!? And the head of the student council says he's her fiancé right before he sprouts giant black wings! What strange fate brought Osora to SM Academy, and what supernatural fate awaits her after this!?

Hiyo Osora failed the entrance exam to the high school she chose, but somehow she receives a strange acceptance letter to SM Academy (Saint Monster Academy) -- which she hadn't even applied to. Thinking that her father, an alumnus of the school, must have sent in a reference letter for her, she decides to go to the school. When she first arrives there, while being distracted by the flowers and green nature around her, two hooded people (Yuki and Jiro) snatch her and bring her to the school president, Kurou Tenma. Fortunately, all that was simply a type of hazing for all new members of the school. She is surprised to find the school crawling with people who are actually monsters in disguise! The next big shock is being told by Kurou himself that she is his fiancée! She is so shocked she faints. She then wakes up and finds out that Kurou has gone as far as having her room connected to his. The only way she can get out is in his arms with his wings or as we discover later on, a trap door down an enormous amount of stairs (since his room is located in a tower).

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Baka Kamaru xD
- Úprava: 14.10.2016 22:08

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