A dalšíííí CMVčko ... xD

Protože jsem se v minulém článku tolik rozepsala, tak tady toho nebudu moc psát xD ... Tentokrát tu máme jedno vtipné cosplay video na Anime Durarara ... konrétně na postavy Shizuo Heiwajima a Izaya Orihara xD Opravdu se na něj koukněte, protože Vás pěkně rozesměje ... obzvláště, jak tancoval Shizuo, protože něco takového člověk jen tak neuvidí xD Věřte mi nebo ne, ale na začátku, když jsem tohle video viděla úprvně poprvné, tak mě překvapilo, co se z tohoto videa nakonec vyklubalo xD

Anime: Durarara!! (Izaya Orihara, Shizuo Heiwajima)

Tohle jedna z mých oblených písniček xD Takže napsat slova bylo opravdu jednoduché, teda v rámci možností mé angličtiny xD ... Takže pokud chcete, tak slova v "Celém článku" ... xD

Baka Kamaru xD

Work it, make it, do it, makes us-
Harder, better, faster, stronger-
N-n-now that that don't kill me(Work it harder, make it better)
Can only make me stronger(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
I need you to hurry up now(More than ever ever after)
'Cause I can't wait much longer(Our work is never over)
I know I got to be right now(Work it harder, make it better)
'Cause I can't get much wronger(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
Man I've been waitin' all night now(More than ever ever after)
That's how long I've been on ya(Our work is never over)
Work it harder, make it better-
Do it faster, makes us stronger(I need you right now)
More than ever ever after-
Our work is(I need you right now)
Let's get lost tonight(Work it harder, make it better)
You could be my black Kate Moss tonight(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
Play secretary I'm the boss tonight(More than ever ever after)
And you don't give a f*** what they all say, right?(Our work is never over)
Awesome, the Christian in Christian Dior(Work it harder, make it better)
Damn they don't make 'em like this anymore(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
I ask 'cause I'm not sure(More than ever ever after)
Do anybody make real **** anymore?(Our work is never over)
Bow in the presence of greatness(Work it, make it, never over)
'Cause right now thou has forsaken us(Do it, work it, never over)
You should be honored by my lateness(Harder, work it, never over)
That I would even show up to this fake sh**(Better, work it, never over)
So go ahead go nuts, go ape sh**(Work it, make it, never over)
Specially in my Pastel and my Bape sh**(Do it, work it, never over)
Act like you can't tell who made this new gospel(Harder, work it, never over)
Homey take six and take this, haters(Harder, better, faster, stronger)
N-n-now that that don't kill me(Work it harder, make it better)
Can only make me stronger(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
I need you to hurry up now(More than ever ever after)
'Cause I can't wait much longer(Our work is never over)
I know I got to be right now(Work it harder, make it better)
'Cause I can't get much wronger(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
Man I've been waitin' all night now(More than ever ever after)
That's how long I've been on ya(Our work is never over)
Work it harder, make it better-
Do it faster, makes us stronger(I need you right now)
More than ever ever after-
Our work is(I need you right now) (Me likey)
I don't know if you got a man or not(Work it harder, make it better)
If you made plans or not(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
If God put me in ya plans or not(More than ever ever after)
I'm trippin', this drink got me sayin' a lot(Our work is never over)
But I know that God put you in front of me(Work it harder, make it better)
So how the hell could you front on me?(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
There's a thousand you's, there's only one of me(More than ever ever after)
I'm trippin' I'm caught up in the moment, right?(Our work is never over)
Cause this is Louis Vuitton dime night(Work it, make it, never over)
So we gon' do everything that Kan like(Do it, work it, never over)
Heard they'd do anything for a Klondike(Harder, work it, never over)
Well I'd do anything for a blonde ****(Better, work it, never over)
And she'll do anything for the limelight(Work it, make it, never over)
And we'll do anything when the time's right(Do it, work it, never over)
Uh, baby you're makin' it(Harder, work it, never over)
(Harder, better, faster, stronger)(Harder, better, faster, stronger)
N-n-now that that don't kill me(Work it harder, make it better)
Can only make me stronger(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
I need you to hurry up now(More than ever ever after)
'Cause I can't wait much longer(Our work is never over)
I know I got to be right now(Work it harder, make it better)
'Cause I can't get much wronger(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
Man I've been waitin' all night now(More than ever ever after)
That's how long I've been on ya(Our work is never over)
Work it harder, make it better-
Do it faster, makes us stronger(I need you right now)
More than ever ever after-
Our work is(I need you right now)
You know how long I've been on ya?(Work it harder, make it better)
Since Prince was on Apollonia(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
Since OJ had isotoners(More than ever ever after)
Don't act like I never told ya(Our work … )
-(Work it, make it, never over)
Don't act like I (never) told ya(Do it, work it, never over)
-(Harder, work it, never over)
Don't act like I (never) told ya(Better, work it, never over)
Don't act like I (never) told ya(Work it, make it, never over)
Don't act like I (never) told ya(Do it, work it, never over)
Uh, baby you're making it(Harder, work it, never over)
-(Harder, better, faster, stronger)
N-n-now that that don't kill me(Work it harder, make it better)
Can only make me stronger(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
I need you to hurry up now(More than ever ever after)
'Cause I can't wait much longer(Our work is never over)
I know I got to be right now(Work it harder, make it better)
'Cause I can't get much wronger(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
Man I've been waitin' all night now(More than ever ever after)
That's how long I've been on ya(Our work is never over)
Work it harder, make it better-
Do it faster, makes us stronger(I need you right now)
More than ever ever after-
Our work is(I need you right now)
Work it harder, make it better-
Do it faster, makes us stronger(I need you right now)
More than ever ever after-
Our work is(I need you right now)
You know how long I've been on ya?(Work it harder, make it better)
Since Prince was on Apollonia(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
Since OJ had isotoners(More than ever ever after)
Don't act like I never told ya(Our work is never over)
You know how long I've been on ya?(Work it harder, make it better)
Since Prince was on Apollonia(Do it faster, makes us stronger)
Since OJ had isotoners(More than ever ever after)
Don't act like I never told ya(Our work is never over)
Told ya … told yaTold ya … told ya
Never told ya …Never told ya …
Told ya … told yaTold ya … told ya
Never told ya …Never told ya …
Never over, never over, never over, never over-
Never over, never over, never over, never over-
Harder, better, faster, stronger-
Ahoooooj xD

Tak Vás tu dneska už po několikáté vítám a doufám, že Vám nevadí, když Vás budu zdravit několikrát denně xD Rozhodla jsem se sem hodit nějakou tu novinku z mého života a to fakt, že se ze mě stal naprosto závislej, "cosplayovej" fanoušek xD Pravděpodobně si říkáte: "Co je na tom tak zajímavého?!" ... ale pravdou je, že já jsem cosplaye předtím nikdy nijak nevyhledávala, neobdivovala a celkově se jim vyhýbala xD ... Ale protože ráda prolézám youtubko a podobné stránky s videii, vždycky se mi povedlo narazit na nějaké to cosplay video ... a když jsem se teda na nějaké podívala, tak ... světe div se, ono se mi to opravdu zalíbilo xD Mám sice takovou, trochu nehezkou myšlenku o českých cosplayerských skupinách ... nechci nikoho kritizovat, ale našla jsem dost skupin, které ... nebyly zrovna můj šálek kávy xD

Ale když to vezmu z ciziny (hlavně anglicky mluvící skupiny), tak se mi jejich cosplaye a cosplay videa neuvěřitelně líbí xD ... Je tu pár skupin, na které bych Vás chtěla upozornit, sice nejsou česky mluvící, ale i tak jsou to neuvěřitelně dobrá nebo vtipná videa xD ... Nejprve tu je jedna z nejznámějších shounen ai skupin, které mají videa zaměřená převážně na pár z NARUTO a to SasuNaru, s názvem UchimakiPro. Je to španělská skupina a podle mě opravdu známá *^* ... Další tu je skupina ToraCosplayers, což je polská cosplayerská skupina, která začala (jako většina skupin) dělat videa na anime NARUTO a teď už dělá videa i na další anime. Mají opravdu vtipná videa, mluví v nich anglicky a určitě doporučuju xD ... Další skupinou jsou Vändett∀ Cosplay, kteří mají ale naprosto boží videa a cosplaye!! :3 Začínali Hetalii a teď jsou u novějších anime Shingeki no Kyojin a Free!. Je to švédská skupina, ale svá videa mají v angličtině. Pak je ještě spousta dalších skupin, ale každá má třeba jen jedno nebo dvě videa, takže o těch se tu moc zmiňovat nebudu xD

To by byly asi všechny skupiny (nebo spíše channly na youtubku), co jsem teď začala sledovat. Určitě jich je ještě mnohem více, ale já v tomhle ještě nejsem tolik zběhlá, takže mi bude ještě nějakou tu dobu trvat, než objevím další dobré cosplay skupiny (navíc, člověku se nikdy nemůže povést, že by viděl a znal "všechny" cosplay videa a skupiny xD). Vždycky jsem si říkala, jaké to je být součástí cosplayerské skupiny, natáčet videa a zažít při jejich natáčení plno legrace xD Vím, že jednu dobu jsme se s kamarádkou, a ještě pár dalšími lidmi, snažili natočit nějaká videa xD Pár se jich povedlo, ale tanhle skupina nevydržela moc dlouho, protože nikdo neměl žádné prostředky k vytváření cosplayů, což je jeden z nějvětších problémů. Ale i tak jsme se za tu krátkou dobu, co naše skupina fungovala, opravdu dobře pobavili xD

Tenhle článek ale nepíšu kvůli mému vykecávání nýbrž kvůli cosplay videu. Takzvanému CMV (cosplay music video), které jsem našla na youtubku a opravdu mě pobavilo xD ... Cosplay je z anime Hetalia: Axis Powers a jedná se o postavy America, England a Canada :3 Video je od skupiny , tohle video se mi opravdu líbilo, protože mě dokázalo pořádně pobavit. Pobavily mě hllavně jejich nepovedené scénky, které jsou na konci videa a také v jednom samostatném videu s dalším názvem "Bloopers". Musím říct, že jsem se u tohoto videa opravdu dobře pobavila, to je taky hlavní důvod, proč Vám ho sem dávám, aby jste se mohli smát se mnou xD ... Taky bych chtěla natočit nějaké takové vtipné video, ale bohužel, moje plachost před objektivy kamer a foťáků mi to nedovoluje xD

Anime: Hetalia: Axis Powers (America, England a Canada)
Písnička: The Midnight Beast - Friends for never; Flo-rida - Club can't handle me

Bohužel, video na youtubku bylo smazáno, takže tu je náhrada ...
... ale bloopers bohužel nikde nejsou k nalezení TT3TT

Doufám, že jste si video užili stejně jako já xD Nemůžu z těch záberů na konci a některých zaběrů v celém videu, jsou hodně vtipné a podle mě opravdu boží xD ... Ta písnička je sice opravdu stará, ale pořád stejně dobrá a teď mi bude zase nějakou tu dobu znít v hlavně xD ... Stejně jako všechny ostatní písničky, co jsem kdy slyšela a byly chytlavé xD No, nebudu se tu radši už víc vykecávat a radši to tu ukončím nebo by se tu z toho stal nekonečný článek xD Určitě sem přidám i víc těchto cosplay videií, protože jsem si je teď oblíbila a musím se o ně s Vámi také podělit!! :3

A abych nezapomněla, v "Celém článku" jsou také slova k písničce, takže pokud si chcete s nimi zazpívat, máte tady tu možnost ... věřte mi, budete mít stejné nutkání si s nimi zpívat jako mám já ... xD

Baka Kamaru xD

One day were friends forever,
Next day were friends for never.
Who say? - You say
Were best friends
I say - He say
Till the end.
Our friendship's like a slice of chocolate cake
You're the icing
You'd be the sponge
When we're together we become...
A perfect way to end a perfect dinner time
Quite substantial, glass of wine
A tasty mint goes down a treat
and helps my indigestion.
Digest this factual piece of evidence
I'm your butter you're my toast
The gravy on my Sunday roast
I'm not a fan of your roasts.
What do you mean,
You told me that you liked the one I cooked the other day
I don't remember,
You said you liked the sprouts,
I do not know what to say.
Then you should shut your mouth.
One day were friends forever,
Go take some singing lessons
What was that?
Nothing twat.
You're a prick.
Eat my shit.
No thank you, It wouldn't be nice.
Our friendship's kind of like a prostitute
Quite worn out, yet still quite fit
Quite nice arse great pair of tits
Well that's not relevant.
Isn't it?
You're full of shit and that's quite relevant
Is it?
I'm going to have a think.
Will you tell me what you think of?
… No
Enter! Oh!
One day we're friends,
The next we're not
It's so confusing the why's and what
(What the hell?!)
I thought that we were friends just now.
Then I remember we had a row.
(Oh yeah)
We're like Brad Pitt and Angela,
But we don't have a child from Cambodia.
(Uh uh)
I'm sick and tired of us having no fun
Stop being pussys and go and work your
Problems out son cuz I'm done.
One day were born together
(One day were born … )
Next day it's stormy weather
(Next day were torn …)
Who say? - You say?
We're not friends
I say - He say
Fuck you bender!
One day I am your blood brother
Next day it's fuck your mother
No offence, tell your mum
I think she's quite nice,
That paticular dig was directed at you,
And not your mother.
My mother use to have a nice smile on her face,
till dad went out to get more milk.
He never did come back.
Okay, takže dneska tu delší neaktivitu musím nahradit!! :3

Mám tu pro vás ... další videjko xD ... Přesněj AMV ... :3 A je to naprosto jashinovský AMV!! :3 xD
Jako, když jsem to viděla poprvý, tak jsem myslela, že umřu smíchy xD

Je to AMV na anime Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ... přesněji na dvě postavy z něj ... Belphegora a Frana ... :3
Já ty dvě naprosto žbožňuju!! *////* ... Oni jsou prostě úžasní (nejvíc Bel :3) ... A s touhle písničkou ty scény prostě ... udělali ještě vtipnější xD

Anime: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (KHR)
Písnička: Parry Gripp - Do you like waffles?

Naprosto jashinovský xD ... Sice je mi trochu Bela a Frana líto ... ale musíte uznat, že to je fakt vtipný xD
A slova k téhle chytlavé písničce ... v "Celém článku" ... xD

Baka Kamaru xD

Do you like waffles?
Yeah, We like waffles!
Do you like pancakes?
Yeah, We like pancakes!
Do you like French toast?
Yeah, We like French toast!
Do-do-do-do … Can't wait to get mouthful!
Waffles! Waffles! Waffles! Waffles!
Do-do-do-do … Can't wait to get mouthful!
Do you like waffles?
Yeah, We like waffles!
Do you like pancakes?
Yeah, We like pancakes!
Do you like French toast?
Yeah, We like French toast!
Do-do-do-do … Can't wait to get mouthful!
Ahooooj :D

Tak jsem tu zase nějakou tu dobu nebyla xD ... (Nejspíš sem nikomu ani nechyběla T_T ...)
No, radši toho nechám xD ... Přece jen, proč si kvůli něčemu takovýmu ničit den, že? xD ... I když už je vlastně skoro konec dne xD
Pojďme na video xD ... Našla jsem jedno pěkný s dobrou písničkou :3 ... Podle mě obře udělaný, ale já nejsem žánej expert xD
Je to AMV na ... teď zrovna hodně populární xD ... anime Ao no Exorcist ... xD
Já jsem na tomhle anime momentálně závislá xD

Anime: Ao no Exorcist
Písnička: Red - Let it Burn

Je fakt úžasný, ne? xD ... A to anime je taky Jashinovský!!! :3
A tradičně ... slova k písničce v "Celém článku" ... xD

Baka Kamaru xD

I watch the city burn,
These dreams like ashes float away.
Your voice I never heard
Only silence.
Where were you when our hearts were bleeding?
Where were you? It all crashed down.
Never thought that You'd deceive me,
Where are you now?
How long can you stand the pain?
(How long?) How long will you hide your face?
(How long?) How long will you be afraid?
Are you afraid?
How long will you play this game?
(How long?) Will you fight or will you walk away?
(How long?) How long will you let it burn?
Let it burn, Let it burn!
I watch the city burn (I watch the city burn …)
These passions slowly smoldering
A lesson never learned
Only violence
Is your world just a broken promise?
Is your love just a drop of rain?
Will we all just burn like fire?
Are you still there?
Tell me now …
(How long?) … can you stand the pain?
(How long?) How long will you hide your face?
(How long?) How long will you be afraid?
Are you afraid?
How long will you play this game?
(How long?) Will you fight or will you walk away?
(How long?) How long will you let it burn?
Let it burn, Let it burn!
Ou, ou, ou … ou, ou, ou …
Will you wait until it all burns down?
Will you hide until it all burns down?
Will it hurt when it all burns down?
Will you fight when it all burns down?
Will you stand when it all burns down?
(Will you stand when it all burns down?)
Will you love when it all burns down?
(Will you love when it all burns down?)
Will it end when it all burns down?
(Will it end when it all burns down?)
Will you just let it all burn down?
(Will you just let it all burn down?)
How long can you stand the pain?
(How long?) How long will you hide your face?
(How long?) How long will you be afraid?
Are you afraid?
How long will you play this game?
(How long?) Will you fight or will you walk away?
(How long?) How long will you let it burn?
Let it burn, Let it burn!
Let it burn!! Let it burn!! Let it burn.