Devil May Cry 3 - Taste the Blood

Autor: || Zveřejněno: 19.6.11

Nyaaaa, Minna-san!! :3

O tohle se s Váma prostě musím podělit!! :3
Naprosto zbožňuju soundtracky z "Devil May Cry"!!!! ... *////*
Prostě úplně nelepší písničky na světě!!! :3

A tenhle se mi líbí asi nejvíc ... :3 Takže Vám ho sem prostě musím dát!! xD

Písnička: Taste the Blood - Tetsuya Shibata, Shootie HG

Doufám, že se Vám líbí stejně jako mě!! :3 ... Protože ona je naprosto Jashinovská!!! ... Teda ... Spardovská!!! xD
A text v "Celém článku" ... :3

The flinch in your eye calls your bluff
Feel free to die when you've had enough
Useless 'cause is breaking your back
Your life will end when you attack
Make your move
Make your stand
Make the win
(Ha ...) Like you can
See the war
See me rule
See the mirror
You'll see a fool
To take me out you must fight like a man
(To take me out you must fight like a man)
You've yet to prove that you can
(You've yet to prove me that you can)
I see your might and it compares to something
(I see your might and it compares to something)
That is if something is nothing
(That is if something is nothing)
Time to figure
Time to sin
Your times done
When you begin
Live for suffer
Live for revenge
Now your life
Comes to an end
Taste the Blood
Taste your fate
Swallow your pride
With your hate
Your last breath
Your last stance
The last of all
In your command
Knee's in the blood with your crying pleas
Wade in your sorrow, bathe in your fear
Clear the mind from righteousness suffered
Witness the moment of your failures prosper
The flinch in your eye calls your bluff
Feel free to die when you've had enough
Useless 'cause is breaking your back
Your life will end when you attack
Make your move
Make your stand
Make the win
(Ha ...) Like you can
See the war
See me rule
See the mirror
You'll see a fool
To take me out you must fight like a man
(To take me out you must fight like a man)
You've yet to prove that you can
(You've yet to prove me that you can)
I see your might and it compares to something
(I see your might and it compares to something)
That is if something is nothing
(That is if something is nothing)
Time to figure
Time to sin
Your times done
When you begin
Live for suffer
Live for revenge
Now your life
Comes to an end
Taste the Blood
Taste your fate
Swallow your pride
With your hate
Your last breath
Your last stance
The last of all
In your command
Knee's in the blood with your crying pleas
Wade in your sorrow, bathe in your fear
Clear the mind from righteousness suffered
Witness the moment of your failures prosper
… A pořád dokola!!! :3

Jelikož jsou tyhle slova už trochu těžší na poslech, tak jsem využila stránku: ... x)
Doufám, že nevadí ... xD

Baka Kamau xD

Mohlo by se Vám líbit

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